Everything You Need to Know About the Seminar.  BE SURE TO WATCH NOW!

Hover over the page with your mouse and you will see this download button


You'll Need What's Below

WARNING:  During Seminar - You will want to keep open on your web browser 3 webpages.
* This webpage you are on right now
* The Live Seminar webpage (#2)
* The TMR Platform webpage (#3)

1) Click Here to Print Out Forms Prior to Seminar.  I recommend printing out at time of seminar if you have a printer hooked up to your computer or laptop

2) To join the Live Portion of the seminar - Click below


Meeting ID: 306-234-277

[RECOMMENDED] Use your microphone and speakers on your computer to listen in.  A headset may be helpful - but not necessary.
Dial  1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 306-234-277
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

You will have also 3 days after this seminar to access the entire system(Access ends Wed) - so do not fret you will get done, no matter what happens. Relax and enjoy the ride - I am here to make sure you get done and understand TMR thoroughly.


Here is how to contact me!

Cell # or Text is: (919) 749 2106
Email: totalmotion@gmail.com
Fax: (919) 443-1205